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The answer is, it depends.
I consider this question to be two parts.
– Question 1 is, do I need art school to be a good artist?
– Question 2 is, Do I need art school to get a job in art?
Producing Artists

Saving Time
Pick Art Schools Wisely

How Much Time You Have
Sometimes it feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day to learn the thing you need to learn creative fun. This is mainly due to disorganization. If you organize your learning time well and know what to do to move forward, this becomes a more manageable issue. It can feel like you are wasting time if you are mentally struggling through a certain task.
I can give you a clear example. Have you ever drawn something and then dragging your thoughts through the whole process? The first several times drawing a car in digital art class is unbelievably hard and feels like it takes more hours than necessary. You are mentally pushing your mind and hand to draw something you have never drawn before.
And as you do that same drawing 20-30 times, you start to feel it goes faster and faster. The repetition makes the mental load lighter to lift. Creative fun can be fun again. Part of it is that you know what to do, but the other part is you are putting up less mental resistance to the task. It takes less energy out of you to do it. Perceived time is much shorter because it’s a simple task you are walking through. And maybe eventually cars become easy things to draw.
The main question is, if the money is worth it. If the money is completely unreachable, then don’t do it. But If you have researched a school and know they check every mark I mentioned above about producing good artists, then the money is absolutely worth it.
- I went into some debt for Art Center, but the school was an amazing experience that propelled me forward mentally. It made digital art class a joy. Be very careful with this, when I was a caricature artist at a theme park, I was surrounded by former students of Art Institute in San Diego. Some of these former students had 150 thousand dollar debts and their basic art skills were not very good.
So make sure to investigate the school you want very thoroughly before you invest so much money and time. So I declined to go to that school and instead went to Art Center of Design in Pasadena.

- Be wary of groups that might hold you back. When I moved back home after the art center, I was surrounded by local artists who really didn’t have much going on in the part of the organization. There was this mystery is company mentality. Those groups are great to just hang out in and get creative juices flowing for conversation, but it never helped as far as motivating me to become better. In those groups, there were also different forms of art that I didn’t do. So I need more to look up to.
Art School is not a necessary step, but for some, it might be. For me personally, I didn’t have the motivation or discipline to push myself further. Sometimes, I needed outside motivators to get me to the next level every step of the way. I also got very lucky in that I picked a school that produced great artists as my first real training. Thinking back, I don’t know where I would be if I had only stuck to doing art classes at my junior college.
It’s possible I could even now be struggling with basic art skills had I chosen that path. If you find that you are self-motivated and internally have what it takes to carry through on tasks, then just practice daily and watch video lessons online. It is a personal decision and there are many roads to success.